Visual arts, performance arts and writing have always been an important part of my life, and I have been involved with these as a practitioner and educator for many years. The subject/theme of most of my work is landscape, an area I researched intensively for my PhD at Deakin University, Geelong.
I work in the land itself to create much of the imagery by exposing the paper and other surfaces to wind, rain, hail or the sea and sand. Shadows cast onto my paintings and drawings are also part of my image making. Emphasis is on the fleeting, rhythms of the land and impermanence.
Working in a range of materials is important to my practice as I am exploring the multiple aspects of the land: its hidden history as well as presences tempered by erosion. I frequently use inks on transparent and semi-opaque surfaces to explore notions of fragility and layering, of impermanence and randomness.
My photographic work includes sections of my own drawings in the process of drying, printed images modified mixed media, and ‘landscapes’ found on rusted metal and eroded wall surfaces. Images printed on transparent textile surfaces, where movement and shadow become part of the work are more recent aspects of my practice.
Life drawing is also an important and challenging part of my practice, and the drawings often become ‘landscapes’. Text fragments and poetry are another aspect of my work, and I am currently writing a narrative piece inspired by the Skellig Monks, Co. Kerry, Ireland.
A recent direction for me has been creating video work and involvement in large projected images, areas I will continue to explore.
Visitors’ book comments –
“each, (every) image is an essay in the place – observed,
experienced and realized”
“most inspiring enjoyed very much”
“profound sensibility and emotional response to the environment”
“inspirational work – love the line and depth created in the
transparent pieces”
“Inspirational and moving”
“congratulations – a tour de force”
“A feeling of both bedrock and the watery transience of things in
these beautiful works.”
“Lovely – lyrical and so evocative of place – so much to see in each piece”

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